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Absence & Illness


If you are in any doubt, please consult this helpful NHS page first: Is my child too ill for school?




If still you wish to report your child absent, please complete the google form by clicking the link below to do so, using a separate form for each child.


Click here to complete the Absence Form (Daily)


We do need to know the reason for your child not attending school and will follow this up by calling all held contacts and may visit the family home if we have not heard from you. Please contact the school before 9.20am, once you know your child will be late or not attending.


We now ask that all parents forward evidence of their child's medical appointments to the office if children are taken to the GP because they are absent from school (screenshot of text/photo of medication/hospital letter, sent to


In cases of sickness/diarrhoea, the Health Protection Agency recommends that children should not return to school for 48 hours after the last incidence of vomiting or diarrhoea. The Covid-19 isolation period for children is currently 3 days (see Covid-19 operations), in line with current NHS guidance.


Medical appointments, including dentist appointments


If your child has a future medical appointment that means they will be unable to attend school for part of the day, please email and attach evidence of the appointment (screenshot of text/photo of medication/hospital letter). The office will log this as a planned absence.


If you have already not informed the office of your child's medical appointment, please complete the absence form above to inform the office on the day of the absence and attach evidence of the appointment (see above).


Children are expected to return to school as soon as possible after their appointment unless they are too unwell.


Planned Leave of Absence - Request for Authorisation


Please note, Head Teachers are only permitted to authorise absence in a small number of exceptional circumstances. For instance:

  • attendance at a significant family event eg the wedding or funeral of a close family member
  • religious observance that last for more than two days (you do not need to apply for a leave of absence for annual religious festivals, such as Yom Kippur or Diwali)
  • participation in a significant event eg academic, sports, arts   

This list is not exhaustive, however, leave will not be granted for the purposes of a family holiday.  


In most circumstances, evidence will be requested.


If you still require the Leave of Absence - Request Authorisation Form then please email
