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Welcome from Head


Welcome to Ivy Chimneys Primary School


It’s an enormous privilege to be the Head Teacher here. One of the things that makes me most proud, is the impression our children and staff team leave on visitors: that we feel like a family who encourage, support and care for each other.


Children’s experiences of school during the primary years have a profound influence on their future attitudes towards learning and their own capabilities. It’s my belief that children at Ivy Chimneys should have every opportunity to develop themselves personally and academically during the valuable time we have with them.


Through the curriculum, we seek to create the richest learning opportunities to develop children’s knowledge and skills - those that inspire them to answer and ask questions about the world they live in. Our staff team share high expectations of our learners and a belief that learning in the classroom should be limitless for all children.


At Ivy Chimneys, there is a strong focus on personal development through our ‘Becoming Me’ framework. The core purpose of the framework is to ensure that children come to understand who they are and what they can do. Our ambitions for children are described through the 8 strands of the ‘Becoming Me’ Personal Development Framework - see the link below if you'd like to find out more.


I firmly believe that great partnership between home and school has a powerful influence on children’s achievement. We regularly communicate which events, support and opportunities are available to you and your child via Classdojo messenger, Twitter and Parentmail.


Please do get in touch if you want to discuss how we can better work together - or just stop me for a chat outside the school gate!


Rebecca Sigston

Head Teacher
