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Key Stage Two (Years 3 & 4 and 5 & 6): Termly Maths Workshops



Dear Parents,


We are pleased to be able to offer maths ‘pre-teach’ workshops to support your child’s learning.


In previous years, these interactive workshops have been very well attended and parents have reported they were of enormous help in preparing children for the curriculum being taught. They have the added benefit of allowing you to see the methods for calculation that we use in school so that you can support your child with their maths at home. They are also an opportunity for you to ask questions about the curriculum.


Key Stage Two (Years 3 & 4, Years 5 & 6)


In Key Stage Two, we are now offering termly parent workshops led by Miss Gladstone in Year 3 & 4 and Mr Jones in Year 5 & 6. These sessions will cover the number skills that are the foundation of the maths curriculum through demonstration and games you can play with your child. Siblings are welcome to attend but we ask that you give them a quiet activity to do during the workshops e.g. reading, drawing. We would really encourage you to attend these termly workshops, so you have a clear idea of which methods we teach and how your child can be more confident using these.


This term, the Year 3 & 4 ‘pre-teach’ workshop will take place on:

Thursday 13th February 2020, 3.30-4.30pm in Plane Class


This term, the Year 5 & 6 ‘pre-teach’ workshop will take place on:

Tuesday 11th February 2020, 3.30-4.30pm in Beech Class
