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Pupil Premium Information

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


Pupil Premium Grant Funding (Expenditure And Impact)


Schools receive additional funding each year through the Pupil Premium Grant to benefit children who are registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years and those who are looked-after. The purpose of the grant is to raise the attainment of children who might otherwise be disadvantaged in their learning, and aims to close the gap between these children and their peers.


School leaders can decide how to use the Pupil Premium Grant to benefit these children, though they must demonstrate how they have used the funding to support the achievement of Pupil Premium children. At Ivy Chimneys pupils achieve well, but not all children eligible for Pupil Premium achieve as highly as those who are not eligible. Our goal is to narrow and even remove this gap. Within the school, all staff are accountable for the progress of Pupil Premium children and have different responsibilities in how the attainment of these children will be raised. The Senior Leadership team, along with the Governors are closely monitoring the impact of the expenditure on the achievement of those pupils in the school to whom the grant was allocated. This information is published below.


When determining how to use the grant, we make careful use of data and relevant educational research to decide how to enhance the progress of, and increase the opportunities for our Pupil Premium children.


The principal areas that funds are allocated to are:


  • Learning and the Curriculum
  • Enrichment within and beyond the Curriculum
  • Parents and Families
  • Social and Emotional Support


Please visit the link below to read about the impact of the Pupil Premium Grant in 2023-24 and the planned expenditure in 2024-25:

For more detailed information about the Pupil Premium Grant, visit:
