Our Governors
Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Welcome to the Ivy Chimneys' Governing Body
We are a team of ordinary people who volunteer our services in order to make a positive contribution to the education of all children at Ivy Chimneys. We are representatives from the school community, including parents and staff, as well as from the local authority and the community. Together we form the Local Governing Body (LGB). You can find lots more information about us within the Governor pages of this website, and in particular in our Meet the Governors section.
Since April 2018 Ivy Chimneys has been one of a number of primary schools forming the Epping Forest Schools Partnership Trust (EFSPT), a Multi Trust Academy, often referred to as a MAT. The MAT board of Trustees sets the overall strategic direction of the MAT and oversees the finances and resources of all the schools in the MAT. It also monitors the progress and attainment of all pupils within the MAT.
You can find more information about the MAT, its member schools, and the specific responsibilities of the MAT Board of Trustees by going to its website here.
The Local Governing Body (LGB)
What do we do?
The LGB works in close partnership with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team of the school and has an important role to play in raising school standards through various key roles and responsibilities. These include:
- holding the Senior Leadership Team to account for the academic performance of the school, the quality of provision and the quality of care of the children;
- overseeing and monitoring the school's finances and ensuring the school complies with the MAT's finanical regulations, policies and procedures;
- monitoring pupil behaviour;
- reviewing and approving school policies;
- recruiting and undertaking the performance management of the Headteacher; and
- overseeing and approving staff pay awards.
Governors carry our their duties in a number of ways. These include reviewing data, being supportive of (but also challenging where necessary) the school's Senior Leadership Team and also visiting the school to meet with teachers and children as required.
The LGB currently meets twice a term as a full group of members, in addition to which governors meet in various working groups to discuss discreet topics.
Governors are supported in a number of ways to ensure that they are fully able to perform their duties. Ongoing training and development is a key part of this and Governors have the opportunity to attend external courses as well as those provided by the MAT for all governors of its member schools.
How to contact us:
If you wish to contact the school with any issues or concerns, please email: admin@ivychimneys.net Please mark your email for the attention of the Headteacher.
If you would like to raise any issues or simply share information specifically with the LGB, please email: gb@ivychimneys.net