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Volunteering at our school (and other ways to help!)

There are many ways you can volunteer to help the children of Ivy Chimneys:


  • By becoming a regular parent reader
  • By helping on a school trip or at a workshop
  • By volunteering at the Friends of Ivy Chimneys events or joining the FoICS team
  • By running or supporting a club 
  • By giving your services or time, for instance, to help us repair or improve an area of the school site.


Please contact the school office if you would like to volunteer to find out about the training or DBS checks that may be required, depending on the type of volunteer role.


Any way that you are able to help is massively appreciated - thank you!

Resources Required: Can You Help?


There are often items that our children would really benefit from using, yet items that can either be donated or sourced from amongst the local community. It would also save the school resources because we would not need to purchase these items. If you have any of these items that you no longer need, we would be very grateful.


We are looking for:


  • Newspaper
  • DVD Player with remote control (SCART connection) - received thank you! 
  • Flat screen TVs with HDMI connection
  • Gardening tools
  • Bean bags
  • Uniform for the second-hand shop
  • Guttering (old or new)
  • Decking boards
  • Bird boxes
  • Hedgehog house
  • Garden bench