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YEAR 1 & 2

The Phonics Screen for Year 1 Children

Meet the Teacher Presentation - Year 1 & 2 (2022)

KS1 SATs - Information for Parents

***We have been advised that Key Stage One SATs will not be published in 2021 for the current Year 2 children. Teachers will still carry out their assessments and report to parents. We will be writing to parents in the Spring term to explain how this will work.***


Following the meeting with parents of children in Year 2, please find the presentation that we shared, attached. If you were unable to make the meeting, you may find this resource helpful. If you are unsure about how best to prepare your child for the tests, please do come and speak to the class teacher.


You might find the following video helpful in explaining how the tests are organised and conducted.

2020 Key Stage 1 tests

This 6-minute video provides information for parents about the Key Stage 1 tests, including the optional Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Test.A downloadable ...
